About | Your Words Have Power
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Your Words Have Power

Your Words Have Power is a portal for speakers who want to create their legacy of changing more hearts & minds with the message.


Speakers have gone from having group discussions to speaking on stage in six months, leveraging the opportunity to get on even bigger stages beyond that.

You get help to build your legacy as you speak with more grace, conviction and confidence to create meaningful change in the world!


Our Founder & Creator, Wendy Corner, realised that there is a big need in the way speakers are formalised to get on stages and designed YWHP to bridge the gap.


Created in 2022, today YWHP offers virtual and physical stages for speakers to test & spread their message, speaker coaching programs as well as different avenues (including book projects and live events) for speakers to change hearts & minds of their intended audience.


With her 30-year experiences as a Speech Pathologist, TEDx Trainer since 2018 and Speaker Coach to business and community leaders around the world, Wendy leads the way in making a difference and has created a community to do just that.


Wendy helps speakers create a strategy and plan to get their message more out there across multiple mediums, refine that message and improve their craft in ways that help their stories and message to change hearts & minds across multiple mediums.

Wendy Corner, Speaker Trainer


Changing hearts & minds on a global scale, creating an indelible imprint on humanity forever raising the vibration on human consciousness by poking the bear, being our unique selves and not accepting the status quo! When we share our stories and speak our message, we are recognised for our own unique qualities.



We have set 2023's theme as the year for Making A Difference. We launched our inaugural book, Making A Difference - Ways to Magnify Abundance, Vitality & Freedom in Your Life, a collaboration of stories, tools, life hacks and inspiration to provide hope. It was an international success, ranking in FIVE Categories on Amazon in THREE Countries. 


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About Us

89 Speakers tested their message on our platform and further established themselves as prolific speakers and changed lives within 10 minutes.


Most of them realised the impact they could make as they saw more people gravitate to their message.


Grew our follower base to over 6000+.

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